Place Nappies In The Bin Provided
Having sanitary disposal available in workplace washrooms is a requirement in Australia. And sanitary bins are a practical and cost-effective way of disposing of sanitary items. Sometimes staff and customers need a gentle reminder to do the right thing and put it in the bin.
These free posters will help keep your washrooms looking cleaner by encouraging everyone to use the sanitary bins provided.
Along with Cleanpro managed hygiene and washroom rental programs, these free helpful resources will get you one step closer to a healthier, safer and greener workplace washroom.
Flexible and comprehensive solutions
Our process
Client Audit
We will discuss your hygiene needs, arrange for an on-site survey and make recommendations.
Our expert installation service is completed within a maximum of 10 days following your order.
Scheduled Servicing
Our local team of service technicians will attend pre-scheduled on-site visits to service and replenish.