Peace of mind. Order quality washroom supplies and choose a safe tailored service to make sure you never run out.
Your washroom says more about your organisation than you realise. It speaks volumes to your staff and visitors about how your organisation is run and how it treats people. Providing a clean, pleasant and modern washroom is a positive reflection on your organisation and its values.
We work with organisations of all sizes right across Perth to ensure they meet their duty of care obligations and provide fully-serviced, hygienic washrooms that meet the needs of their specific visitors and staff.
Cleanpro Washroom Services include installation of dispensers, ongoing maintenance and refills. Reduce costly waste with convenient dispensing systems featuring portion controls, generous outputs per refill and greater economy.

Hygiene solutions tailored to your business
Our expert technicians are committed to helping you keep your environment hygienic, safe and healthy. Their aim, especially in the current situation, is to improve operational efficiencies with hygiene standards across all facilities, making significant contributions to the hygiene and wellbeing of employees and visitors.
Cleanpro provides comprehensive hygiene services for both single and multi-site businesses. Our experts are there to help you provide a safe and hygienic workspace for your staff and customers, whatever your business. Each business we engage with can rely on us to recommend solutions tailored to meet their individual needs, each designed to reduce germ and virus transmission.
Keeping businesses hygienically safe
We’re committed to helping businesses across a wide range of industry sectors from hospitality and facilities management to food processing and retail, delivering tailored expertise to help you stay hygienically safe, legally compliant and safeguard your brand reputation.
Many people spend more time in the office than at home, so it is vital to practice good hygiene in the workplace. You can help prevent your colleagues from being unwell.
Along with our aim to help Australians create a healthier, safer and greener workplace, SWS Group provide helpful resources for every workplace washroom.